
Lily Russo, E-RYT 500, has been practicing yoga most of her life. It has been a tool of transformation, health, and empowerment since her teen years. Her initial practice of yoga asana lead her to study all the other facets including pranayama, meditation, and yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, as well as other influential disciplines, primarily Buddhism, the Tao, and plant medicines. Through these studies she has come to an understanding that all systems of life are intricately interconnected, and practices which lead us to recognize our relations to our higher selves and to all other beings as well as the natural world create a life of harmony.  As a teacher Lily’s goal is to impart her love of these practices on her students, so that they may use them as tools towards achieving mental calm and clarity, as well as physical strength and grace.

Lily attended the Shambava School of Hatha Yoga in 2008 for her initial training, and in 2015 completed a Prana Vinyasa training led by Monica Mesa, developed by visionary Yogini Shiva Rea. Over the years she has participated in over 700 hours of teacher trainings.  She crafts unique classes based on the needs and abilities of her students, the time of day and year, and her intuition around what is energetically calling for attention in the moment.

Her other work as an independent artist allows her to channel her life force energy built through these practices into colorful works of creation. She is open to all mediums, especially painting, mosaics, and textiles. With her husband, she leads Fire Walks, another transformational tool of self empowerment.

Learn More about Lily here!